Wednesday, May 04, 2005

Hear Here Media - What's That?

This is the way a multi-tasking society will evolve. Audio is a only medium that allows an individual to engage in other activities simultaneously. Marketing will mature to what we call Selective Learning on the part of the consumer.

Picture this, visiting a recreation store you'll be given a mini iPod to use. The topics will be aligned with sections of the store. Stand in front of the canoe section, click wheel around to the topic of canoes to find a list of several 2 minute segments - Getting a canoe for the family, white water performance, different strokes for different paddles, and so on.

OK, don't picture it listen to it

You become smart, the store extends the knowledge of their brand and sales staff, and consumers stay in the store longer.

In addition, you can add other topics like how or where to use your canoe.

Extend the concept to any experience in which learning is part of the customer experience. Art galleries, wine stores, books, garden centers, home improvement, etc.

Here's an example of a helpful buying guide in a large landscaping center. Which pot is right for your front porch?

Hear Here Media produces these high level experiences and provides the logistics.


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